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Create with captivating stock footage and audio tracks


Check out our free stock video footage and audio tracks

Making videos doesn't have to break the bank. Start with one of our free stock videos or background music tracks - just add your own text and a company logo to create your very own video - no filming required!

Start editing with stock footage

Use stock video and audio right from within the Clipchamp editor. Once you've signed up, simply navigate to the stock library within the editor and browse our collections to find the perfect video for your social ad, or background music for your vlog.

The YouTube homepage

Everything you need to create scroll stopping videos.


Add stock to a template or start from scratch.

icon stock blue

Huge library

Choose from hundreds of thousands of stock video and audio clips.

Fast, local, private

Edit and export straight from your browser.

Full access to the entire stock library with Clipchamp Premium

Get unlimited access to over 800,000 stock videos and audio tracks. Add as many stock videos, sound effects and music clips to your project as you like. When you're done editing, export for free in Full HD and share your professional video with the world!

Start creating video with Clipchamp for free.